To prevent and control any possible risks, public authorities set industrial safety policies and regulate their requirements and the controls to perform during their design, implementation or production, and also during their useful life, to ensure that the safety and environmental conditions are maintained. Thus, both at European, national and regional levels, different regulations require that control bodies (or “notified bodies”, as they are known in European regulations) carry out these controls. 
Additionally, legal metrology plays a fundamental role in guaranteeing the transparency of commercial transactions and any measures that might impact consumer safety (food refrigeration temperature control, for example). To offer the maximum security guarantees, it has been established that control bodies must be ENAC accredited to carry out their activity, in order to confirm they have the necessary technical competence and means to undertake mentioned controls.
Control bodies currently operate in three regulatory environments: European and national regulation and legal metrology.

Why use an accredited inspection body?

Benefits of accreditation

+ Product and service safety
+ Legal security
+ Prestige
+ Savings and efficiency
+ Markets
+ Access to public procurement