Inspection is an evaluation activity that determines the conformity of products, facilities, buildings, machinery or even plans or projects with established requirements to provide information about the compliance of these items with legislation, standards, specifications or contractual commitments. Inspection may involve visual controls, objects’ functional tests or measurements, documentary examinations, comparisons of results with either requirements or good practices… 
Inspection bodies can act on their own behalf evaluating products or installations supplied or installed by their own organisation, on behalf of the buyer of the inspected item or on behalf of a third party, e.g., an insurance company or the Administration. Accredited inspection bodies provide both the market and the Administration with the maximum guarantees, as they are the only ones that have demonstrated having the necessary technical competence to carry out inspection activities according to the requirements of UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17020 standard.

A guarantee in every sector

Accredited inspection activities are currently present in a wide range of areas and sectors: industry, agri-food, energy, environment, transport, healthcare, construction, telecommunications…

Why use an accredited inspection body?

Benefits of accreditation

+ Product and service safety
+ Legal security
+ Prestige
+ Savings and efficiency
+ Markets
+ Access to public procurement