Management systems certification is a third-party declaration about the compliance of an organisation’s management system with the requirements established in a reference standard. 
For the certification to unfold all its advantages, it is essential that the certification body is perceived as a technically competent, impartial and reliable organisation by all those who need to trust in the veracity and value of the certificates it issues (e.g., customers, consumers, shareholders or competent authorities, among others). 
Thus, only accredited certification bodies have demonstrated their competence and impartiality to provide a certification service, as they operate in compliance with the requirements established in UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17021-1 standard.

A guarantee in every sector

ENAC-accredited management system certification bodies provide these guarantees to a wide range of systems, defined in international standards such as ISO 9000 (quality), ISO 14001 (environment), ISO 22000 (food safety), ISO 27001 (information security) or ISO 50001 (energy management).

However, requesting accreditation is voluntary, so if the certification body you hired is not accredited for a specific management system, it means it has not applied for accreditation or has not passed the evaluation process yet.

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Do you know the difference between accredited and non-accredited certification?

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Benefits of accreditation

+ Product and service safety
+ Legal security
+ Prestige
+ Savings and efficiency
+ Markets
+ Access to public procurement